: Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) is a technology that allows embryos to be screened to detect any genetic or genetic damage of the embryo before the implantation process is performed. To date, there is only a general guideline on the use of PGD especially for the purpose of screening genetic diseases that have been issued by the Malaysian Medical Council. Knowledge and understanding of PGD technology are still relatively low among the people in this country. The purpose of this paper is to explain the concept of PGD technology, taking into account the basic principles set by Islam. This study applies qualitative methods and libraries by examining the concept of maqasid syariah and Islamic jurisprudence that related to the concept of PGD and screening of genetic diseases. The preservation of life and human life is one of the maqasid syariah outlined in Islam. This maqasid claim is then guided and based on Islamic jurisprudence that coincides with the use of PGD technology for the purpose of screening genetic diseases today. The Islamic Jurisprudence method is the ad-dhoror yuzal method. This method means that in the event of any harm it must be avoided. In the context and purpose of screening genetic diseases that can lead to harm, the adaptation of Islamic jurisprudence is very coherent and does not violate Islamic law. This principle then becomes the basis and guidance in determining the rules and laws that need to be used to supervise and ensure that the use of such technology is not misused for the purpose of contradicting syariah or harming humans.