Implementation of STEAM- PBL Learning Model through emotion puzzle media to improve understanding of types and reactions of emotions in children
Early Childhood, Types of Emotions, Puzzle, Emotional Reactions, STEAM-PBLAbstract
This study was motivated by the lack of children's understanding of the types and reactions of emotions. Hence, this study aims to obtain a picture of the implementing of the STEAM-based PBL learning model through emotional puzzle media and identify children's emotional understanding. The mixed method (mixed method) concurrent embedded design method is used because it combines quantitative data and qualitative data. Participants in this study involved 10 children in group A at one of the PAUDs in Gempol District, Cirebon Regency. This study shows that the STEAM-based PBL model through emotional puzzle media goes through several stages, namely reflection, research, discovery, application, and communication. This model allows children to express ideas/concepts and opinions. In addition, children's understanding of the types and reactions of emotions has increased as evidenced by the category Starting to Develop (MB) with a percentage of 35% the category Developing Very Well with a percentage of 88%, and the category Developing According to Expectations (BSH) with a percentage of 33% to 73%. The indicator of children's self-control of emotions also increased, with a percentage of 28% from the category of Starting to Develop (MB) to the category of Developing According to Expectations (BSH), with a percentage of 63%.