Improving the quality of education in an area will be related to the success of the Education Office to throw programs and policies as effort to support the realization of the goals the national education system. The education policies implemented must be supported by quality programs, but the program and policies implemented must be supervised and controlled by the relevant Office, namely the Education Office of Tebing Tinggi City, North Sumatra Province. Control and supervision efforts carried out are called management, which leads to steps that must be done by someone such as understanding how to do and measure the effectiveness of the work done in the work. Quality education can produce a good and quality generation, because Islam also wants humans to be in a high and noble order. Therefore humans are endowed with perfect mind, feeling, and body. So, the implementation of management to be carried out by the Education Office of Tebing Tinggi City of North Sumatra Province, in carrying out its responsibilities in ensuring the improvement of the quality of education its district in accordance with Islamic management. The research objective was to analyze the application of Islamic management in improving the quality of education in Tebing Tinggi City, North Sumatra Province. The method used in this study is a descriptive research method with a qualitative approach.