
  • Riri Mayliza
  • Lola Fitria Sari


This article aims to examine the theory of religiosity that affects the behavior of someone who decides to resign from his job at conventional banks and financial institutions which are considered to be contrary to the teachings of religion which he adheres in particular Islam. From the visible phenomena of a number of banks in Indonesia, including PT Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk (excluding subsidiaries), the number of Danamon employees in 2017 decreased by 6,021 compared to 2016, which also fell 4,391 people. Adira Finance, Adira Quantum and Adira Insurance) the number of employees decreased by 7,609. Bank Mandiri recorded a total of 633 fewer people, Bank Negara Indonesia Tbk (BNI), the number of employees decreased by 975, Maybank also experienced a decrease in the number of employees. In 2017, based on unaudited financial statements, the number of Maybank employees was recorded to decrease 181 people (Detik finance March 8 2018), in addition to literature studies we also looked at and grouped the characteristics of those who had resigned and made sure what was their main reason to resignation, where there were 30 respondents surveyed found a phenomenon that the researcher classified 21 people as responding to factors related to religion (Religiosity), meaning that 70% of all respondents answered that the main factor that caused the resignation was a factor of increasing awareness in the religious values, while 30% answered with varied answers.must be given a solution or policy, so that the economy can be saved by saving these religious and productive people to work that is in line with his beliefs. This study was very important to do in anticipating an increase in the number of unemployed and had an impact on the economic aggregate.


