
  • Umi Umairah Binti Nazim
  • Nurul Azmina Afiqah Binti Mohd Roslan
  • Nada Nur Fazriah
  • Nursafiza Binti Sani
  • Lukman Hakim
  • Fadillah Ismail
  • Dr. Wazin MSI
  • Muhammad Izzad Bin Luqman
  • Josline John
  • Azri Syafiq Bin Md Julis
  • Nurul Amirah Binti Norizam
  • Khairunnisa Binti Mohd Khaiyazi
  • Norazura Syairah Binti Normahisham
  • Muhammad Fadli Bin Zulkifli
  • Divia Rahma Yulianti


The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of applications and websites that have been created by distributing questionnaires to get user feedback. Website and Application are a place on internet where people can search, read and watch billion of things. With website and application, people are able to promote their business, buy and sell item, transaction of money and E-learning as we are facing the pandemic Covid-19. Website, application and the internet are proofs that technology has come to a whole new level. But there is a significant gaps in body of literature in transforming community through technology in rural areas. Thus this study is a synergy collaboration under programs Real Work Lecture (KURERTA) between UTHM, Malaysia and UniBanten Indonesia students in empowering and enriching the villagers of Santri with technological efficiency to improve their mastery so they don't fall behind by current industrial revolution 4.0 by creating and designing websites and digital kitab specifically for Santri villagers.


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How to Cite

Umi Umairah Binti Nazim, Nurul Azmina Afiqah Binti Mohd Roslan, Nada Nur Fazriah, Nursafiza Binti Sani, Lukman Hakim, Fadillah Ismail, … Divia Rahma Yulianti. (2020). KAMPUNG SANTRI: TOWARDS DIGITALIZATION. Jurnal Penyelidikan Sains Sosial, 3(9). Retrieved from https://academicinspired.com/jossr/article/view/2155