
  • Farah Ahlami Mansor
  • Yusri Huzaimi Mat Jusoh
  • Mimi Zazira Hashim
  • Norrini Muhammad
  • Siti Nur Zahirah Omar


Engagement involves creating opportunities for employees to connect with their colleagues, managers, and the wider organization. It aims to foster an environment where employees are motivated to connect with their work and genuinely care about performing well within the organization. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between employee engagement and organizational performance. Stratified sampling was employed to ensure representation from different groups and levels within the population. Specifically, 103 respondents from a private company in Johor were included in the analysis. To conduct the analysis, SPSS software was utilized. Pearson's correlation analysis and mean analysis were employed to measure the relationships between independent and dependent variables. The findings of the study revealed a significant relationship between employee engagement and organizational performance. Moving forward, several areas for improvement should be considered in future research. It may be beneficial to conduct similar studies in organizations within specific areas to ensure a focused group of respondents. However, it is important to note that this present study has limitations due to the use of closed questionnaires, which may not capture all relevant information.


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How to Cite

Farah Ahlami Mansor, Yusri Huzaimi Mat Jusoh, Mimi Zazira Hashim, Norrini Muhammad, & Siti Nur Zahirah Omar. (2023). EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT AND ORGANIZATIONAL PERFORMANCE. International Journal of Accounting, Finance and Business, 8(50). Retrieved from https://academicinspired.com/ijafb/article/view/731