
  • Noorhayati Mansor Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin,Terengganu, Malaysia
  • Amira Jamil Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Malaysia
  • Asniati Bahari Faculty of Economics, Universitas Andalas, Padang, Indonesia.


Integrated reporting was introduced in 2013 by the International Integrated Reporting Council. However, to date, its implementation is still at a preliminary stage in most countries including Malaysia. The new method recommends the reporting of five additional business capitals in addition to the financial capital as currently reported under the conventional approach. These are manufactured capital, human capital, social capital, intellectual capital and natural capital. The current reporting mainly emphasizes on summarizing past financial performances. This conventional or rules-based framework, however, is inefficient to serve the reporting purpose for waqf administration whose perspective is future oriented, if not infinite. The system was designed for compliance purposes but lacking information on value creation. This research proposes a new proactive reporting system for waqf based on the Islamic accounting and the integrated reporting framework. The system stresses on aligning strategies with financial information and presents how governance, performance and business prospects together, generate value. The study contributes to the existing body of literature by summarizing the current practice for waqf reporting and comparing the conventional and the Islamic reporting. The study then discusses the proposed model, termed as Integrated Waqf Reporting System. This new system emphasizes on future activities in line with further promoting Islamic Social Responsibility and Islamic social financing. This reporting could provide additional value for improving the efficiency of waqf management and sustainability


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How to Cite

Noorhayati Mansor, Amira Jamil, & Asniati Bahari. (2017). INTEGRATED WAQF REPORTING SYSTEM. International Journal of Accounting, Finance and Business, 2(6). Retrieved from