This article aims to review the factors of emotional intelligence (EI) and its relationship with employees or individuals on their performance at workplace. Employee’s work performance is vital for the success of an organization. Nowadays, organization are increasingly aware about the importance of employees’ EI in managing its human resource. This is as the emotions of humans in every part of a life are usual and unavoidable. The emotions uplift or cast down a person facing different situations in each moment and it affect the way people dealing with the circumstances. In order to observe the connection that the two constructs might have, this study has been classified into the definitions and dimensions of EI and its relationship with employee’s work performance. From the past studies it was found that there is significant relationship between EI dimensions and employee’s work performance. Furthermore, it is also said that an employee can efficiently perform their task when they understand their emotions and able to manage it effectively towards work’s excellence. In addition, many studies found that employees who are emotionally intelligent experience greater satisfaction at work. Hence, this paper scrutinizes how emotions affect the work performance of individual employee.