Toward the vision of bringing Malaysia as a developed country by 2020, the government of Malaysia has implement rigorous effort to encourage development in variety sectors as to obliterate the poverty by attracting the women to involve in economic sector. A part of current government initiative is raising women to be entrepreneurs as entrepreneurship have been recognized as the catalyst for economic growth and development of a country. Many women choose to be entrepreneur by full time or part time as a source of income. Malay women entrepreneurs have to face many challenges and emulation in business and economic sector as this field is monopoly by other ethnic in Malaysia. The challenges and barriers to the success of Malay women entrepreneurs have to be identified owing to the fact that the weaknesses need to be addressed in order to lead up Malay women entrepreneurs in achieving themselves and successful. Thus, this study is to review the challenges and barriers of Malay women entrepreneurs to success in the entrepreneurial and empowering women to enhance their economic contribution in entrepreneurship.