Marketing strategies in increasing consumer buying interest according to islamic business ethics: Case study at the Ratu Obral Parungpanjang Shop, Bogor
Islamic Business Ethics, strategy, marketingAbstract
The purpose of this study is to find out the marketing strategy in increasing consumer buying interest at the Ratu Obral Parungpanjang Shop, Bogor according to Islamic business ethics. This study uses a qualitative approach and the type of research is descriptive. The data collection technique uses observation, documentation, and interviews, so that all of the data is analyzed qualitatively with an inductive thinking method. The result of this research is that the marketing strategy implemented by the Ratu Obral Shop Parungpanjang, Bogor in increasing consumer buying interest has been in accordance with Islamic business ethics, namely: having a spiritual personality (piety), having a good and sympathetic personality (shiddiq), being fair in doing business (al-adl'), serving with a smile and humility (khidmah), always keeping promises and not cheating (tathfif), honest and trustworthy (amanah), He does not like to be prejudiced (su‟uzhon), does not like to vilify (ghibah) and does not take bribes (risywah).