Hero: Digital sociopreneur based on green economy as the development of the halal industry towards a global islamic economy
Green Economy, Halal Industry, Halal Value Chain, Maqashid Shariah, SDGsAbstract
The number of Indonesian Muslims is 19.7% of the world's total Muslim population, where this population can push Indonesia to become the center of the Global Islamic Economy. However, Indonesia is still consumerist and capitalist towards halal products. So, cooperation is needed from all elements of society to be able to bring Indonesia to become the center of the world Islamic economy through a halal industry that is in demand by local and foreign residents. The basic element to achieve this goal is cooperation from all sectors and assisted by the use of digital technology. HERO can become a halal industrial innovation in the fields of business, philanthropy and shariah-based finance. The aim of this study is to identify and discover, resulting in the development of halal industrial innovation that can be felt by all levels of society and stakeholders can contribute to each other to create harmony in the halal industry that is of interest to society. This research uses a descriptive qualitative in-depth interview approach. The results of the study show that HERO is a renewal of the development of the halal industry in Indonesia based on a green economy, has a good impact on achieving SDGs indicators and produces findings that the HERO development model contains elements of maqashid shariah in maqashid khassah and is in line with 5P+1S (People, Planet, Partnership, Prosperity, Peace, and Shariah), so that HERO is able to optimize community potential, help optimize economic growth in all micro and macro sectors, and encourage the growth of Indonesia's halal industry.